Tung Ying Chieh Picture Gallery
Pictures from a 1954 Macao Demonstration
In 1954, in Macao there was a fight between Wu Kung Yi, 53 year old son of Wu Chien Chuan, representing Taijiquan, and Chen Ch’en K’e-fu (Chan Hak Fu) representing the White Crane style. Before the fight Tung Ying Chieh and Eagle Claw master Lau Fat Mang performed a demonstration for the news media. Also, Tung Ying Chieh demonstrated in front of the gathered crowd before the fight. Here are pictures from the Hong Kong newspaper accounts of the events.
There is an excellent write up of the event and its environment in the Qi Journal. See Qi Journal, Volume 12, No. 3, Autumn 2002, http://www.qi-journal.com .
Dong Family Fast Set Screen Shots
Tung Ying Chieh’s grandson, Tung Kai Ying, has produced a demonstration video which is available to the general public. In it he demonstrates the Yang style Slow Set, Knife, and Sword as well as the Tung (Dong) style Fast Set, also known as the Dong Family Set. Included in the video are some photographs of Tung Ying Chieh demonstrating his Family Set. Here are some screen shots from that video.
Pictures of Tung Ying Chieh By Dieter Runge
Artist and Dong family student Dieter Runge has produced a wonderful series of 100 oil paintings of Tung Ying Chieh patterned after the photographs in the Big Red Book. These pictures are for sale through a Honolulu Art Gallery. To see the selection at the gallery or to contact them click here. To contact the artist, Dieter Runge, click here.
Below are a few examples of his art. To see almost the complete collection please see the Montreal Tai Chi Club. Click here for a link to the pictures as displayed by the Club.