Tung Hu Ling Pictures
The series below comes from the flyer that he used to advertise his classes in Honolulu. Of note, the push hands pictures show his son, Tung Kai Ying and another person (Andrew Lum perhaps?). The group practice sessions looks to me like it was shot in Hong Kong. I can’t tell who the teacher is standing on the far right side, but to me he looks a bit like Tung Ying Chieh.
Two locations are listed: a Chinese Buddhist Church at Kawananakoa Place near downtown Honolulu and (lined out) Koko Head Elementary School near Hawaii Kai on Oahu. By the time I was studying with him he had moved to his third and final location, in Nuuanu near the Chinese Buddhist Church.
Next are a series of pictures showing various moves from the Yang style slow set as taught by Yang Chen Fu. I don’t remember when or where they were shot, perhaps Hong Kong (?), but to me he looks to be about 40 years old (hard to tell, though).