Legendary founder, Chang San Feng, is inspired to create the Art of Taijiquan as he watches a fight between a snake and a bird…

Yang Cheng Fu and Dong Ying Jie's Lineage
…from Yang’s book (I added the Pin Yin transliteration and English notes.)

Dong Ying Jie's disciples listed

Dong Family Members and Disciples
And finally, here is a closer detail of the area around Han Tan (Handan) and Yung Nien showing the location of the Yang family at Lin ming kuan.
(Magazine front cover)

Chip Ellis' Lineage
Chip is the disciple of Dong Zeng Chen. To see pictures of his “Tu Di” initiation ceremony click here.
“I have had the good fortune to begin my study of Taijiquan within the Dong school in 1974, and to carry on that school’s tradition to this day. I have also studied some other Chinese internal styles. With the listing below I would like to acknowledge and thank my teachers. They are listed in chronological order. All of them taught me in Honolulu, Hawaii.”
— Chip
- T. Y Pang (Pang Tze Yau) (deceased) – Yang style Taijiquan (from the Dong school), Baguazhang and Hsingiquan
- Ross Mobley – Wu style Taijiquan (from the Wu Jian Chuan school)
- Tung Hu Ling (deceased) – Tung (Dong) and Yang style Taijiquan
- Donald Okazaki – Baguazhang
- Dong Zeng Chen – Dong, Hao and Yang style Taijiquan
- Zhang Xiu – Baguazhang
- Wang Shangzhi – Yin Style Baguazhang
- And all of my martial arts friends and students from whom I have learned so much!